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October 06, 2022
@ 12:00 pm ET
Captain Karen Baetzel

Captain Karen Baetzel has a decorated career of 30 years in the United States Navy. As one of the Navy's most senior female Naval Aviators, Captain Baetzel is also one of the few Naval Aviators of either gender to qualify as an Aircraft Commander in fly helicopters, propellers, and jet aircraft. She has ammassed an incredible 2,000 military flight hours in six aircraft types and has served her country aboard seven ships. After her Commanding Officer tour, she served as an instructor on the elite Navy Leadership Training Team for senior officers. This was followed by a very successful engagement in the corporate world before founding her own leadership development practice. Organizations such as NASA, Microsoft’s High Performers and the Departments of State and Defense, FDIC, National Corporation for National and Community Service and many others, the best and brightest partner with Karen when they want effective, sharp results. She was honored in 2015 to be named one the nation’s top 101 Leadership Speakers by New York Times Best selling author Kevin Kruse. Additionally, Karen is a plankowner member of the National Women Veterans Speakers Bureau.

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